Release HTML5
HTML 5 is one of the newer standards in the field of web designing. It is the successor of HTML 4.01, which was released in the year 1999. There are so many additional features in the upgraded version and almost all the modern browsers support them. But, more work in the language is in progress. The research in the subject is being done by World Wide Web Consortium and Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group. The initial work was started in the year 2006 by both the above groups. The new version was established with some rules to be incorporated.
Some important rules of them are reducing the need for existing external plugins such as flash and video player. All the new features should be focused on HTML, JS, and CSS. Errors should be eliminated and more mark-up tags should be replaced in-lieu of scripting. The new language should be independent of devices and the development of the language should be open to public.
The number of tags used in a page is now reduced with the fifth version of HTML. Many new content specific elements are introduced along with new form controls. Complete support for HTML 5 will be available only after the language is launched completely. It is still under progress and the features released now and then are incorporated in the browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, IE, Opera and many more. Web application development is made easier with enhanced local storage and file access.
Graphics in the browsers are increased with the new canvas element and 2D/3D features support for CSS3 is introduced. Creating dynamic HTML pages are made simpler with support for context menus in the webpages. Some of the elements are deprecated from the previous version and the important ones are applet, acronym, frame, strike, frame and many more.